Anna England - For the love of plants

23 October 2024

Anna England grew up with a love of plants, not realising this would sow the seed to a rewarding and award-winning career in the horticulture industry.

Anna England. Photo credit: NZPPI

Anna, 29, is now studying the Diploma in Primary Industry Business Management through Primary ITO, while working as a sales coordinator at Elliott’s Wholesale Nursery in Amberley, North Canterbury.  

In July, Anna was shocked to take out the title of Young Plant Producer of the Year, in a tightly fought competition run by New Zealand Plant Producers Inc. Anna was one of four finalists taking part in two days of challenges which tested their knowledge and skills in plant propagation and identification, biosecurity, finance, dispatch, and other key areas. The finalists also presented a speech at the awards dinner, with Anna’s topic ‘growing plants on Mars’. 

It was a big surprise to win,” Anna says, “because you are competing with so many other talented people. I learned so much being around them and studying for the competition, so winning was the cherry on top.” 

Anna scooped $3000 to put towards advancing her career in plant production, and a spot on a 12-month mentorship programme. She will also take part in the Young Horticulturalist of the Year award in late October, where she will compete against finalists from the entire horticulture sector, vying for a prize pool worth more than $20,000. 

Anna with Young Plant Producer of The Year Finalists. Credit: New Zealand Plant Producers Incorporated (NZPPI).

Growing up in Taranaki, Anna always had a love of plants and attended a kid’s gardening club and the local Daffodil Shows. At high school she took NCEA Level 1 Horticulture as a subject option, achieving a grade of ‘excellence’. However, working in the industry was never on her radar.  

After high school Anna completed a three-year business degree at Victoria University in Wellington and then travelled overseas to Vietnam and India. She returned just as Covid hit. Not wanting to work in an office, Anna headed down to Canterbury to study a diploma in horticulture through Lincoln University. This led to her current role at Elliot’s Wholesale Nursery. 

“Elliott’s have been working with Primary ITO for ages, and other staff have done their apprenticeship through the ITO,” Anna says. 

“I’m more in sales and when I saw the Primary ITO Diploma in Primary Industry Business Management, it was so different to anything I’ve studied before. It’s more about the management side, organising and planning. The context is right in front of me. It’s super applicable to what I’m doing in my role.” 

Anna loves people and plants. As sales coordinator, she spends a lot of time on the phone with customers talking through orders, organising freight and logistics, arranging quotes, and allocating plant stock to orders. 

“It’s a mixed role that has evolved since I started here. There’s lots of admin, and I also get out into the nursery to keep track of what plants are looking good and what’s ‘saleable’ right now. When needed I assist the production team with potting, and when we’re quieter, there’s always maintenance jobs and trimming to do.” 

Anna has completed several modules as part of the Primary ITO diploma, including business planning, finance, human resources (HR), and environmental sustainability. She says while they have all been useful, she found the HR module particularly interesting. 

“It was useful learning all about health and safety, onboarding staff and motivating people. Finance was another module I got a lot out of … it was pretty foreign to me and it’s a real skill you need to have in business.  

“The diploma is a good way to learn in the context of the business you’re working in. It’s tangible … a lot of what I’ve learned has translated into my day-to-day work,” she says. 

While Anna has a commerce degree already, she says it was more theory-focused.  

“I thought I had a good foundation of knowledge from the commerce degree but with the Primary ITO Diploma it’s all fitting together better.  

“The practical aspect is really valuable. You’re not just doing theory all the time, it’s a good mix of hands-on. You can apply this knowledge to your business right now.” 

Anna appreciates having the support of her Primary ITO Training Adviser Nicola Wood. 

“We’re studying while working full-time, so finding the time to bring anything up can be hard. It’s really good knowing that my Training Adviser is coming to visit each month so I can ask any questions.” 

Jeff Bryant, Primary ITO’s Horticulture Delivery Manager for the South Island, says he’s delighted that one of Primary ITO’s learners took the win. 

"Anna along with her family and colleagues, should all be incredibly proud of this award and all it says about her commitment to excellence and the necessity of life-long learning. Like so many other young horticulturist winners, Anna has embraced the opportunity to complete a formal qualification through work-based learning." 

Outside of work Anna is enjoying the fruits of her labour with a garden that’s coming into bloom. She recently planted hybrid primulas. “I really like exotic specimen trees but while I’m renting, it’s all about little flowers.” 

Anna plans to finish her diploma study and apply the knowledge in her current role. Longer term, she is keen to move into a management role at Elliott’s and keep progressing.  

Meanwhile, her sights are firmly set on competing at the Young Horticulturist of the Year competition, taking place in Auckland on 31 October. 

If you're interested in the Diploma in Primary Industry Business Management or, any other Primary ITO training, please complete the form below and one of our team will be in touch.